Aim The aim of the Dinghy Cruising Association is to facilitate communication, exchange of knowledge and meeting between enthusiasts of dinghy cruising, who share a passion for sailing small boats non-competitively.
Throughout the year, we facilitate meeting between members and sailing in company via an extensive programme of informal regional rallies. We facilitate communication and exchange through publication of our quarterly journal, our on-line Forum and the DCA Facebook Group, and by providing technical advice and access to a lending library of sailing-related literature. Based in the UK and founded in 1955, the DCA has members worldwide. You can read about how it all began here.. |
DCA President, Roger Barnes, speaking on Dinghy Cruising at the RYA Dinghy show.
JournalDinghy Cruising is the Association's quarterly journal. Formerly the DCA Bulletin, it has been published continuously since 1955 and is available only to members. Designed and edited to a professional standard with 80 to 100 A4 pages, most in full colour, Dinghy Cruising provides a wealth of inspiration and practical advice.
You can see a selection of articles and download a sample copy here. |
AdviceTechnical advice on any aspect of dinghy cruising is available to members from our technical advisor: Dave Jennings. If he does not know the answer, he will find it for you.
Members collectively are a fount of knowledge which they share generously - in articles and letters in the Journal and via our discussion forum and Facebook page.. Some of the articles can be found on this website but many more are available from the Journal Archive and DCA Library. |
LibraryThe DCA has a comprehensive lending library of books about cruising in small boats and related matters. Members may borrow books and back copies of the Dinghy Cruising journal. Postage is free both ways. The books will be posted with a return, postage-paid envelope included. The books may be retained nominally for a month but in practice until someone else wants them.
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AwardsTwo awards are made each year for items that are published in Dinghy Cruising:
1. the Naylor Noggin for the best log of a cruise in a sailing dinghy, and 2. the Peter Bick Cup for the best technical article. The South Coast group have three awards for those members who complete the Hayling Challenge. Read more… |
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