Light, slim, fast dinghies and heavy, beamy, stable ones have their particular advantages and shortcomings – and also their own enthusiastic supporters. The debate about which kind is best will rage among cruising sailors for as long as there’s a sea to sail on. No single design or type has ever been accepted by a majority as the perfect cruising boat.
However, there may be a boat that is perfect for you. You need to consider where you will sail her and what you want to do in her. Most of all you need to consider your own level of skill and your confidence in the boat, plus an awareness of her – and your – limits. This is far more important than chasing after the impossible dream of one ideal boat for all. Before choosing a boat, do take every opportunity to sail in as wide range of boats as possible - the DCA rallies are an excellent place to try out different boats and discuss your ideas with others. Get hold of a copy of Eric Coleman's book - Dinghies for all Waters. It is full of sound advice. There are secondhand copies around or you can borrow it from the DCA Library. Our forum is also a source of information and advice. |
DCA Member Cliff Martin has written a booklet called Setting up the cruising dinghy to share his experience and knowledge of dinghy cruising. Topics covered include:
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